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My Story

Let me introduce myself. Hi! I'm René, yes, only one e. Born and raised in a small town, I grew up on a farm and moved to the (big) city after my studies.


I've traveled a bit here and there, and I plan to add more countries to the list soonest.


Now, you may ask, René with one e, why a blog?


Well, I love creating, writing, visuals, and lists. I enjoy short, to-the-point information that's actionable and easy to understand.

I find it frustrating reading through tons of unnecessary information to get the answers I need.

So, I decided to create a blog that's easy to navigate, with easy-to-find answers at a glance.


I'm writing about the things I love and am curious about - plants, finances, organizing and cleaning my home, productivity, and mental wellbeing.


I’m hoping to inspire you with the simplicity of things and that you can learn a thing or two from my experiences and research.


Get To Know Me Quiz!

If I could eat only one food for the rest of my life it would be...



And anything potato. It's such a versatile food source. You can make so many different meals with potatoes and it's always yummy and filling.

Favorite TV series?

I have a few but my all-time favorite = FRIENDS.


Others favorites are The Big Bang Theory, Brooklyn 99, The Office...and a few others but these are the ones I'll watch on repeat for years to come.

Favorite book? depends on where I'm at in my life.


The most recent great ones I've read are:

  • You Are A Badass,

  • Good Vibes, Good Life,

  • The Song Of Achilles,

  • Atomic Habits, and

  • I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

Achievements I am most proud of?

Starting this blog while working full-time!


Another would be quitting my full-time job in 2017 and teaching English in South Korea for a year. And then I traveled solo around Asia for 3 months after that. That was pretty epic.

What motivates you to work hard?

At this point in my life - freedom. I'm working hard to earn more money to have freedom.


My aim is to have multiple sources of income and to be able to do what I love from anywhere in the world.

What are you really good and not so good at?

Really good - keeping plants alive....organization, logistics, and listening.


Not so good - consistently following through with things, asking for help...

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