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The Ultimate FAQ Guide to Your Monstera Light Needs

Updated: May 25, 2023

Are you a proud owner of a Monstera plant? This trendy plant has been all the rage for years, and for a good reason. Its large, striking leaves with natural holes make it a statement piece in any room. But, like any plant, it requires some TLC to thrive.

Fear not, fellow plant parent! I've got you covered with expert tips to keep your Monstera plant looking its best. Is your Monstera turning brown? I've got answers. Want to propagate your Monstera? I'll tell you how.

This comprehensive FAQ guide will answer all your questions about the best lighting options for your Monstera plant.

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Monstera Light Needs

1. How Much Light Does My Monstera Need?

2. What Kind of Light is Best for Monstera?

3. How Do I Know If My Monstera Is Getting Enough Light?

4. What Should I Do if My Monstera Isn't Getting Enough Light?

5. Can Too Much Light Damage My Monstera Plant?

1. How Much Light Does My Monstera Need?

To thrive, a Monstera plant typically needs around:

  • 10-12 hours of bright, indirect light daily.

Place your plant in bright but not overly sunny spots. Your Monstara should not be exposed to direct sunlight during the day's heat. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.

  • Find a spot near a window where the plant can receive filtered light.

Tip: Hang sheer curtains or blinds to diffuse harsh sunlight.

2. What Kind of Light is Best for Monstera?

Both morning and afternoon light can benefit these plants, but the ideal scenario is to provide your Monstera with bright, indirect light for most of the day.

  • Morning light - cooler and less intense.

  • Afternoon light - warmer and more direct.

One strategy you can try is to place your Monstera in a spot where it receives bright, indirect morning light and then move it to a slightly shadier area in the afternoon to protect it from direct sunlight.

But not everyone has the time for that, am I right?!

Generally, the best window orientation for a Monstera in the Northern Hemisphere is a south-facing window, as it will receive the most sunlight throughout the day.

However, in areas with hot summers or intense sunlight, an east-facing or west-facing window may be a better option, as they provide bright, indirect sunlight for part of the day.

On the other hand, in the Southern Hemisphere, the best window orientation for a Monstera is a north-facing window, as it receives the most sunlight throughout the day.

But, as with the Northern Hemisphere, the intensity and quality of the sunlight can vary depending on the region and time of year.

It's important to observe how the plant responds to the lighting conditions.

Ultimately, the best window for your Monstera will depend on various factors, including the climate, geographic location, and lighting conditions in your home. Therefore, finding the right balance of light for your Monstera may require a bit of trial and error.

Experiment with different windows and observe how your plant responds before choosing the best spot for your Monstera.

3. How Do I Know If My Monstera Is Getting Enough Light?

The light your Monstera receives can have a significant impact on the development and appearance of its characteristic leaf holes, also known as fenestrations.

In general, bright, indirect light is ideal for promoting healthy growth and development of the plant's leaves and fenestrations.

If your Monstera is not receiving enough light:

  • Its growth may be slow.

  • The development of new leaves and fenestrations may be stunted.

On the other hand, if your plant is exposed to too much direct sunlight:

It's also worth noting that the appearance and size of fenestrations can vary depending on the specific variety of Monstera you have, as well as other factors such as humidity, temperature, and soil quality.

To be fair, it's not always easy to figure out where you're going wrong with your Monstera's light needs, especially if you're not home during the day to observe your plant.

However, you'll be a few steps closer to figuring it out by using a combination of the following:

  • Use a light meter.

A light meter is a tool that measures the intensity of light in a specific area. I have a moisture meter that's a 3-in-1 tool for measuring the moisture, light, and pH of the soil.

  • Observe the plant's behavior.

If the leaves start to turn brown or yellow, it may be a sign that the plant is getting too much direct sunlight. On the other hand, if the leaves start to wilt or droop, it may be a sign that the plant is not getting enough light.

  • Check the light source.

If your Monstera is near a window, check how much direct sunlight it receives throughout the day. You can also monitor the type of light source you're using, whether natural or artificial and adjust the positioning and intensity of the light as needed.

  • Use a smartphone app.

There are several smartphone apps available that can measure the amount of light in a specific area.

4. What Should I Do if My Monstera Isn't Getting Enough Light?

If your Monstera is not getting enough light, move the plant closer to a natural or artificial light source.

You can use artificial light sources, such as LED grow lights, to provide the necessary light for your plant. LED lights are the best option for Monstera plants as they provide more light with less heat than other types. LED lights also produce a full spectrum of light your plant can absorb.

Place the lights:

  • Above the plant.

  • At a distance far enough to ensure your plant does not get burned.

  • Keep them on for 10-12 hours daily.

These lights help simulate natural sunlight and keep your plant healthy and happy.

  • Turn the lights off for at least 12 hours daily.

Your Monstera requires periods of darkness just as much as light. Excessive light can cause the leaves to burn, turn brown and die.

For supplemental lighting, you should look for a bulb:

  • Rated at least 6500k.

  • That emits a spectrum similar to natural sunlight, with a balanced combination of blue and red wavelengths.

  • With a wattage of around 30-50 watts (sufficient for a single plant).

  • With adjustable height and a timer function.

Overall, many high-quality LED grow lights are available on the market that can provide the ideal spectrum of light and wattage for Monstera plants. Nonetheless, research and choose a grow light that fits your needs and budget.

5. Can Too Much Light Damage My Monstera Plant?

Yes, too much direct sunlight can damage your Monstera plants. Even putting your LED grow lights too close to your Monstera can cause burns that discolor and even kill parts of the plant.

Signs that your Monstera is receiving too much light include:

  • Yellowing or pale leaves.

  • Droopy foliage.

  • Drying out from the edges of the leaves.

This happens because the intense heat of direct sunlight can cause the plant to lose water more quickly than it can absorb, leading to dehydration and stress.

This weakens the plant and makes it more susceptible to disease and pests.

If you notice any leaf burn or wilting, move the plant to a shadier spot with lots of bright, indirect light.

The Bottom Line

So, there you have it, folks! The key to keeping your Monstera happy and healthy is bright, indirect light. Whether you have plenty of natural light or need to supplement with artificial light sources, there are ways to provide your Monstera with the light it needs to thrive. With these tips in mind, your plant will flourish and be the envy of all your plant-loving friends. Happy growing!