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The 8 Best Ways To Save Money - When You Just Get Started

The best way to save money is to ensure you are not wasting what you have on things

you don't need. Small changes can make a big difference.

Adjusting a few daily habits, cutting monthly bills, and leveraging tools that automate savings can significantly impact your savings.

One key to increasing your net worth is to spend less than you make. Saving money is a habit; building this habit takes time and effort, so let's get started!

Pink piggybank

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8 Ways To Save Money


Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. All information, including any ideas, opinions, views, commentaries, or suggestions expressed or implied herein, are for informational or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal financial advice.


1. Have a Budget - Track your Spending

A budget is a plan for every dollar you have. A budget will help you understand where your money is going and identify areas where you can cut back.

At the beginning of the month, sit down and give each dollar a purpose.

Start by listing all of your income sources and expenses, like:

  • Rent

  • Mortgage payments

  • Utilities

  • Car payments

  • Groceries

  • Entertainment

  • Clothing

Once you have a clear picture of your finances, you can adjust your spending habits and save more money.

Without a goal, your money will quickly go to random things you don't need; this is what we want to avoid.

Have you never worked with a budget before? Learn how to budget in 6 easy steps.


2. Set up Autosaving

Set up an automatic savings plan with your bank or credit union so that a set amount is transferred from your account to a savings account every month.

This will help you save more money without thinking about it and take away the option to use it on impulse buys.


3. Prepare for Grocery Shopping - Cook at Home

Have you ever heard of "never go to the store hungry"? Well, also, never go to the store without a plan. Having a shopping list will help you avoid impulse purchases.

Compare prices, use coupons and promo codes, take advantage of discounts and sales, buy in bulk when possible, and buy produce in season or on sale.

Before making a purchase, do some research to make sure you're getting the best deal possible.

Take a look at these tips to save on groceries.

The amount of money you can save by meal prepping per week is astounding. If you calculate how much it costs to order food or eat out in a restaurant, you'll instantly see the value of cooking at home.

There are thousands of (budget) meal prep plans - grab one and start cooking!


4. Cut Unnecessary Expenses

One of the most effective ways to save money is to cut unnecessary expenses.

This can include things like:

  • Eat out less.

  • Cancel subscriptions you don't use.

  • Find cheaper alternatives for things like cable or phone plans.

  • Cancel your gym plan if you never go.

  • Watch movies at home rather than go to the movie theater.

  • Invite friends over rather than go to a restaurant/ bar.

Take a look at your budget and identify areas where you can make cuts without sacrificing too much.

Remember, every little bit counts when it comes to saving money.


5. Live Below Your Means

Develop a mindset focused on living a good life with less - it's easier than you think.

First, figure out what you NEED and what you WANT—and then make small changes to become okay with fewer WANTS.

Do you need another pair of shoes to be happy? A bigger TV? More clothes? A new phone? Expensive jewelry?

The answer is almost always that you will be absolutely fine without it.


6. Take Care of The Things you Have

Taking good care of your property makes everything last longer.

I still wear clothes from 20 years ago (no lies) because I look after my stuff.

The cost of maintenance is a fraction of the cost of replacement, take pride in what you have, and it'll serve you for a long time.


7. Watch your Credit Score

Your credit score determines many things, such as the interest rate when buying a new car or refinancing a home. In addition, it affects the amount you pay for car insurance, life insurance, and a range of other essentials.

Ensure you keep and build your credit score by paying on time every month.


8. Delay Purchases

Give yourself a cooling-off period between when an item catches your eye and when you make the purchase.

If you're shopping online, put the item in your shopping cart and leave it for a day or 2 (or even 30 days). If, after time passes, you're still convinced you should have it, go for it!

I've saved hundreds of dollars by doing this because, after a while, I realize I don't need them when I look at the items again. Or I've found it at a lower price somewhere else.


The Bottom Line

Saving money is a goal that many people have, but it can be challenging to know where to start. Fortunately, there are many effective strategies for cutting expenses and increasing your savings. A plan guarantees you'll spend less than what you're earning. This puts you on the right track to start saving for those things on your vision board ;)

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