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9 Plants That Are Safe For Cats - Purrrrfectly Safe

I get it; you love cats and plants, but for some weird reason, both can kill the other. Not ideal. Lucky for you, many plants are safe for cats, but there are also some plants that are toxic to cats, have a read before you start buying willy-nilly.

Fear not; your home doesn't need to be less of a lush, green oasis because your cats and plants aren't compatible.

Be strategic about where you place these plants because a-cat-is-a-cat-is-a-cat, and what do cats do? They push things off tables or shelves. So safely place these, and you can have the best of both worlds.

Cat in a green knitted jersey standing up against a pot plant looking up

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IMPORTANT: Different cat breeds might have different reactions to plants. It's always advised that you consult a professional before bringing anything that could be harmful into your home.

9 Plants That Are Safe For Cats

Ponytail palm in a black pot

1. Ponytail Palm

The cutest. They look like a head full of crazy hair.

  • They're hardy plants that need minimal water.

  • Low light suits them.

If you want to keep them small, keep the pot small. If you plant them in your garden outside, they'll grow as tall as you.

Calathea Prayer Plant in a white pot on a table

2. Calathea Prayer Plant

There are a few variations of this plant.

  • They prefer low light and work well in an office or bathroom.

  • They love humidity.

  • Give them lots of water; it'll make them happy.

They're natural air purifiers and pretty awesome to look at.

Boston Fern in a metal pot on a wooden chair

3. (Boston) Fern

There are many types of ferns - you must check the scientific name and the common name to ensure you buy the types that are non-toxic to cats.

  • Not all ferns have identical survival needs, so read up on the ones you have so you can take care of them properly.

Tip: Use a natural fertilizer, like vinegar, to keep your plant happy and healthy.

Haworthia zebra succulent in a small clay pot

4. Haworthia Zebra

One of my favorite spiky plants.

  • As a succulent, they don't like wet roots.

If they're happy, they make babies like nobody's business.

They look great in tiny pots and are excellent desk plants for your home office.

Spider plant in a white hanging pot

5. Spider Plant

These plants are real troopers. They grow quickly, are on the list of plants that are hard to kill, and make cute babies that are easy to propagate.

They'll probably tempt a few swats from your cat since the baby spider plants hang from long stems... But, I guess that's all the more reason to get them - they'll provide hours of entertainment.

Parlor palm in a small pot on the floor

6. (Parlor) Palm

My gosh, these are adorable.

It's a mini palm.

I don't know why these fascinate me, but they bring me such joy!

  • They need to be watered weekly, but they don't like soggy roots.

  • Bright light but no direct sunlight.

Money Tree in a grey pot

7. Money Tree

Money doesn't grow on trees, but it doesn't hurt to have this one in your home.

  • Their stems look like they're braided, and they have a nice full top.

  • Prune them often to promote growth.

  • Give them room to grow in a bigger pot.

They're low maintenance and said to bring positive energy into your home.

Staghorn Fern on white background

8. Staghorn Fern

Such an interesting plant. It looks much like deer or elk antlers - hence the name.

You can plant this in a pot, hang in a basket or mount it on a wall (this looks spectacular).

  • They need lots of light.

  • They love humidity.

Banana tree in a black pot

9. Banana Tree

If you want a big statement plant, this is the one.

Big pot = big plant, and they're fast growers.

  • They need regular watering.

  • Lots of bright light, but be careful of too much direct sunlight; burnt leaves are a common indoor plant problem.

  • They love humidity.


The Bottom Line

This list is in no way exhaustive, and there are plenty more plants you can safely have in your home for your cats to enjoy. All the plants on this list are quick to recover, even if your cat decides to chew on them now and again. So fill your home with greenery and breathe easy, knowing your cats are safe.

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