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The How-to Guide on Repotting a Spider Plant

Spider plants are known for their lush foliage and easy-going nature, making them popular among indoor gardeners. They'll thrive in almost every room in your home and are among the few plants that can survive in a bathroom.

Repotting your spider plant can give it a fresh start and provide room for new growth. And the best part? Repotting is a fun and easy process that anyone can do! If repotting is too much of a hassle, you can just as easily grow these plants in water.

So, get ready to get your hands dirty and show your spider plant some love. In this post, I'll give you a step-by-step guide and tips to repot your spider plant quickly and safely.

spider plant

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How to Repot your Spider Plant


1. How To Know When To Repot your Spider Plant

It's important first to check that your spider plant is indeed in need of repotting. How?

Look for symptoms such as:

  • The leaves droop.

This could indicate that its roots need more space to grow and absorb nutrients.

  • Depleted soil

If your spider plant has been in the same pot for several years, the soil may be depleted of nutrients, which can impact its growth.

  • Waterlogging

If the soil is consistently wet and water is not draining properly, it's a sign that the pot is too small for the spider plant.

  • Roots overflowing out of the container.

You may notice roots growing out of the bottom of the pot or circling the base of the plant; it's a sign that your spider plant has outgrown its current pot.

  • A discrepancy between the size of your plant and its pot.

If your spider plant has multiple plants growing in the same pot, they may compete for resources and need to be separated into their own pots.

When you are sure that repotting is needed, then you're ready to begin!


2. Gather the Necessary Materials and Tools

  • A new pot with drainage holes

  • Small stones

  • Fresh potting soil

  • A trowel or spoon

  • Scissors or pruning shears

  • A watering can or hose

The pot you choose must be slightly larger than the current pot. In addition, it must have drainage holes in the bottom or sides to ensure adequate aeration and drainage.

Make sure the soil is fresh so that the roots of your spider plant can easily absorb the necessary nutrients. Choose a well-draining potting mix that is rich in nutrients. Avoid using garden soil, as it can be too heavy and may contain pests or diseases.

Use a trowel or spoon for repotting to be more precise with your movements and avoid damaging any of the roots.


3. Remove your Spider Plant from Its Original Container

Before removing the plant from its current pot, water it well to moisten the soil.

This will:

  • Make it easier to remove the plant.

  • Make less of a mess.

  • Help to prevent the plant from going into shock during the repotting process.

Allow the plant to sit for a few hours after watering to ensure the soil is moist, and the roots are hydrated.

  • Gently turn the pot on its side and tap the bottom to loosen the soil.

  • Softly squeeze the sides of the old pot to loosen the soil and root ball.

  • Gently grasp the base of the plant and lift it out of the pot.

If the plant is stuck, give it a slight wiggle back and forth to loosen it. Then, use a knife or a trowel to loosen the soil around the edges of the pot.

  • Support both the root ball and stems of the plant while removing it.

  • Use your fingers to remove any loose dirt or debris from the roots of the spider plant.

If the plant is root-bound, gently massage the roots to loosen them before removing them from the pot.

Tip: If the roots are dense or entangled, trim damaged or dead roots with scissors or pruning shears. This will encourage new growth and promote healthy root development.


4. Place the Spider Plant in Its New Pot

  • Fill the bottom of the new pot with a layer of stones.

  • Add a layer of potting soil on top of the stones.

Use a potting mix that's specially formulated for spider plants.

  • Place the plant in the middle of the new pot at the same depth as in the previous pot.

  • Add more potting soil around the root ball.

  • Fill the sides with well-draining soil just below the plant's crown.

  • Gently press down the potting mix.


5. Water the Spider Plant

  • Water thoroughly to finish off the repotting process.

Water your plant until you see the water draining through the bottom of the pot.

  • Discard any extra water that collects in the tray.

The soil must be evenly moistened. Avoid letting the soil become waterlogged, which can lead to root rot.

You might need to pat down areas or add more potting mix if some soil settles during watering. It's important to firm up these spots again so your spider plant can grow in its new home.

  • Place the repotted plant in a spot where it will receive bright, indirect light and good air circulation.


The Bottom Line

Repotting a Spider plant is a simple and enjoyable process that will do wonders for your plant's health. If you neglect to do so, your Spider plant might start looking like a wild, tangled mess that's taken over your entire living space. You can literally fill your home with Spider plants by repotting each plantlet in its own pot. Happy repotting, and may your Spider plant never get too big for its pot!

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