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9 Simple Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen

Saving money is not always about saving big chunks and making massive changes to your life. Throughout your day, there are plenty of opportunities to save a little bit here and there.

What difference do the little bits make?

Add them up. If you save $15 per month in your kitchen, save money in the laundry room, and save some money around the house, you might have a nice amount of extra cash at the end of the month. Who says no to that?

White kitchen, black counters, plant

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9 Simple Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen


1. Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

Sure, the initial cost will be slightly higher, but your anxiety won't skyrocket every time you use your appliance because you can see your money disappearing towards electricity.

With energy-efficient appliances, you'll continuously save money on your energy bills.

When shopping for energy-efficient appliances, look for those with the ENERGY STAR® label.

For example, an energy-efficient refrigerator can save you up to $300 over its lifetime in energy costs. Likewise, an energy-efficient dishwasher can save you up to $35 per year on your utility bill compared to a non-certified model.

In addition to saving money, using energy-efficient appliances is an environmentally-friendly choice as it reduces your carbon footprint by consuming less energy from fossil fuels.


2. Take Care of your Kitchen Appliances

It's cheaper to look after and maintain the appliances you already have than to keep buying new ones.

Keep your appliances in tip-top shape to get the maximum value and life out of them.

Here are some ways to take care of your appliances:

  • Regular cleaning

Prevent dirt and debris from accumulating, which can cause your appliance to work harder and use more energy.

For example, cleaning the lint filter on your dryer after each use can help it operate more efficiently.

  • Regular maintenance

Prevent costly breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your appliances.

For example, cleaning the coils on your refrigerator can help it run more efficiently and prevent overheating.

  • Proper use

Prevent unnecessary wear and tear.

For example, overloading your washing machine can cause it to work harder and damage the motor.

  • Timely repairs

Address minor problems promptly to prevent them from becoming more significant, expensive problems.

For example, replacing a worn-out gasket on your refrigerator can prevent cool air from escaping and reduce energy waste.


3. Defrost your Fridge and Freezer

This ties in with the previous point.

If there's extra ice inside your doors, your appliance works twice as hard to keep things cold - how silly.

Defrost your appliances regularly to keep them working efficiently, and you'll:

  • Reduce energy consumption.

Frost creates an insulating layer that makes your freezer work harder to maintain the desired temperature. By defrosting your freezer and removing the frost buildup, you can help your freezer operate more efficiently and use less energy.

  • Prevent food waste.

A thick layer of frost can take up valuable space in your freezer, making it harder to store food. Defrost your freezer to create more space for food storage, which can help prevent food waste and save you money on groceries.

  • Prevent damage to your freezer.

Frost can cause damage to the freezer's components, such as the evaporator fan or the defrost thermostat. This damage can lead to costly repairs or even the need for a replacement freezer. However, when you defrost your freezer regularly, you can prevent frost buildup and prolong the lifespan of your freezer.


4. Turn the Heat Dry Cycle Off of your Dishwasher

You don't need your dishwasher to produce warm air to dry your dishes. Instead, open the door and let the dishes airdry.

Try this hack: place a cloth inside the dishwasher when it's done, close the door, and the fabric absorbs all the extra moisture - genius!


5. Don't Overfill the Kettle

This is easy, but so many people ignore this. Don't boil more water than you need.

Fill your cup with water and then decant it into the kettle. By doing so, you have just enough water to make your beverage.

It also cuts down on the boiling time - who wants to stand around and wait 10 minutes when you can have your steaming cup of tea in 3?!


6. Use your Crockpot, Instapot, Airfryer

Crockpots, Instapots, and Airfryers use less energy than conventional ovens, and they can be used to make large batches of food that can be frozen for later.

Consider investing in one (or all) of these and save on your utility bills.


7. Put Lids on Pans

There are three advantages to this one.

  • First, your food will cook quicker.

Using a lid, you can trap the heat inside the pan, reducing heat loss and allowing you to cook your food at a lower temperature, and the trapped heat inside the pan will cook the food more quickly and efficiently.

  • Second, you'll avoid splatter.

  • Lastly, retaining moisture.

Nobody likes dry food. A lid helps you trap the moisture from your food inside the pan.

How does this relate to saving money? Every last bit of your meals will be gobbled up instead of going into the trash 'cause it's hard as a brick.

Need I say more?


8. Optimise your Cooking Time

Instead of switching your oven on and off, schedule all your cooking and baking simultaneously.

Baking a cake and also need to cook dinner? Use the oven's heat to do both at the same time.

The same goes when you already have a stove plate on - after you've finished cooking your rice for tomorrow, use the already hot plate to fry your eggs for dinner while you're at it. Voila!


9. Buy Reusable Kitchen Items

What do you use to wipe counters and other kitchen surfaces? This one is a bit of a no-brainer, but opt to use reusable kitchen items, not single-use items you have to keep buying and buying.

  • Reduce the need for disposables.

Disposable kitchen items, such as paper towels, napkins, and plastic wrap, can add to a significant expense over time. Reusable alternatives, such as cloth towels, napkins, and reusable food storage containers, can save money by eliminating the need to purchase disposable items repeatedly.

  • Durability and longevity.

Reusable kitchen items are often made from durable materials, such as stainless steel, glass, or silicone, that can last years with proper care. This means that you won't have to replace them as often, which can save you money in the long run.

  • Eco-friendly alternatives.

Reduce your carbon footprint and support a more sustainable lifestyle. This can also lead to cost savings, as some municipalities offer incentives or discounts for households that use eco-friendly alternatives.

  • Bulk purchasing.

Buying certain kitchen items in bulk, such as reusable food storage containers, can be more cost-effective than purchasing them individually. This is especially true for high-quality items that can last for years.


The Bottom Line

With some planning, you can save money in the kitchen without thinking about it. After you've done it a few times, it'll become second nature, and you won't even think twice about executing these small changes. Try a few money-saving hacks and listen to your pockets jiggle with extra cash!

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