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6 Best Couches For Your Living Room

The right sofa can add comfort and style to any home. Whether you're looking for something that will fit in well with your existing decor or stand out, there are many options available today.

You'll find different sizes, shapes, materials, and names...who knew couches had such fancy names? But which one is yours? How do you know which one to pick? First things first. You need to figure out what you need from your couch and what the main purpose is for your sofa.

Once you've identified the main purpose for your couch, the amount of space it can take up, and your max budget, the next step is to start shopping. This post will tell you about the six best couch designs for your living room. After reading this, you'll confidently set out on your buying journey.

A bright living room with big windows, a green couch, a big plant, and a small desk and chair.

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6 Best Couches For Your Living Room




Brown leather Chesterfield couch on a white background

Chesterfield sofas are instantly recognizable. When the name and image are put together, most people say, "So that's a Chesterfield!"

A Chesterfield has:

  • rolled arms that are the same height as the back,

  • deep button tufted upholstery,

  • it's traditionally covered in leather,

  • has nailhead trim, usually down the front of the arms.

These days Chesterfield's come in velvet or other cloth upholstery and vibrant colors too! They are usually three-seaters and are surprisingly comfortable, despite how uppity they might look.



Traditional (Lawson)

Traditional Lawson couch

This is probably what comes to mind when you think of a sofa. This sofa is designed for comfort.

You'll recognize a Lawson by:

  • its straight lines,

  • the arms tend to be lower than the back,

  • its back pillows are separate from the frame.

Why is this a good thing? Loose pillows make it perfect for naps and watching endless hours of movies since you can maneuver the couch pillows however comfortable for you.




Navy Sectional/ Modular couch in a living room with an ottoman in the middle

These two are almost the same; the most significant difference is that the Modular provides more options.


  • A typical configuration is an L-shape.

  • It usually comes in 2 separate pieces.

Important: Make sure you double-check the configuration for your living room. Must the L be on the left or the right-hand side?


  • Typical configurations are L-shape and U-shape.

  • Modular sofas can be easily extended or downsized.

  • Individual sections can also be used as standalone pieces, such as ottomans.

A modular couch gives you all the flexibility you could want since it can be arranged in a number of ways to create the ultimate living room seating arrangement.




Grey leather futon in a living space

These are great if you don't have guests over often and don't want to spend money on a guest room that'll rarely be used.

Or, if you don't have enough space for an extra bed, you'd like to offer your guests something comfortable to sleep on.

We're going to look at two sleeper options.

Sleeper Couch:

  • A sleeper couch has a bed that's inside the sofa.

  • It has a foldable bed frame that can be rolled out to form a bed once the sofa cushions have been removed. ‍


  • A futon is a sofa on which the backrest folds flat to form a bed for sleeping.

If you're limited with space, there are many excellent multifunctional foldable furniture options.




White loveseat with throw draped over the one side

The loveseat is an umbrella term for a sofa made for two people. They're often part of a living room set.

Like sofas, loveseats come in many styles and designs, such as camelback, cabriole, etc.

The main difference between a loveseat and a standard sofa is its size; sometimes, they're simply called a "2 seater".



Deep Seat Couches

Deep seat couch with extra pillows in a living space

Deep-seat couches have become increasingly popular over recent years.

  • If you can comfortably sit on this sofa with your legs barely hanging over the edge - it's probably a deep-seat sofa.

These are crazy comfortable, and you can even use them as extra sleep space when guests come - it's that wide!


The Bottom Line

A couch is an integral part of any home, and choosing the right one for your lifestyle is essential. Don't be afraid to take your time when selecting your dream couch. Have fun figuring out the size, shape, and material you want, and then make it happen!

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